Mother Animal | June 23rd


Once there was a queen who longed for a child while walking in an apple orchard, and later gave birth to a red apple that hid a beautiful girl inside.

Once there was a mother whose son was born the same evening, the same hour, the same minute as an otherworld foal.

Here was the beginning of the world: the vulva in the heart of the cave, and from it the first horses.


Inspired by Sylvia’s current anthology-in-progress of the same name, in this workshop, we will explore conception and mothering as both embodied animal experiences and also potent metaphors for the creative process. 

During the first half of class, using symbols and motifs from the European fairytale tradition, Nao will guide us through dance into the animal mother within. We will find out more about her through our bodies, our movements, our imaginations. We will nourish her, and be nourished by her. We will ask questions like- what does the queen wandering the apple orchard in search of her baby have to tell us, to teach us, to point us toward in our own longings and creative potentials? 

In the second half of class, Sylvia will guide us to write our own fairytales about animal mothers and mother animals, based on what we have experienced in our bodies through the dance. She will use poetry, myth and creative writing practices to help us find both rhythm and freshness in our language, so that the stories we most want to tell can come freely through our pens. 


June 23rd, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

Upon purchasing this course, you will receive a pdf with a Zoom link to the live class, and some words to keep you inspired until then! Recordings will be available to participants for one month after the event.

Note that there will be a 15 minute break in the middle of class between dancing and writing, to nourish yourselves with snacks and tea and a moment away from the screen.


Once there was a queen who longed for a child while walking in an apple orchard, and later gave birth to a red apple that hid a beautiful girl inside.

Once there was a mother whose son was born the same evening, the same hour, the same minute as an otherworld foal.

Here was the beginning of the world: the vulva in the heart of the cave, and from it the first horses.


Inspired by Sylvia’s current anthology-in-progress of the same name, in this workshop, we will explore conception and mothering as both embodied animal experiences and also potent metaphors for the creative process. 

During the first half of class, using symbols and motifs from the European fairytale tradition, Nao will guide us through dance into the animal mother within. We will find out more about her through our bodies, our movements, our imaginations. We will nourish her, and be nourished by her. We will ask questions like- what does the queen wandering the apple orchard in search of her baby have to tell us, to teach us, to point us toward in our own longings and creative potentials? 

In the second half of class, Sylvia will guide us to write our own fairytales about animal mothers and mother animals, based on what we have experienced in our bodies through the dance. She will use poetry, myth and creative writing practices to help us find both rhythm and freshness in our language, so that the stories we most want to tell can come freely through our pens. 


June 23rd, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

Upon purchasing this course, you will receive a pdf with a Zoom link to the live class, and some words to keep you inspired until then! Recordings will be available to participants for one month after the event.

Note that there will be a 15 minute break in the middle of class between dancing and writing, to nourish yourselves with snacks and tea and a moment away from the screen.

Once there was a queen who longed for a child while walking in an apple orchard, and later gave birth to a red apple that hid a beautiful girl inside.

Once there was a mother whose son was born the same evening, the same hour, the same minute as an otherworld foal.

Here was the beginning of the world: the vulva in the heart of the cave, and from it the first horses.


Inspired by Sylvia’s current anthology-in-progress of the same name, in this workshop, we will explore conception and mothering as both embodied animal experiences and also potent metaphors for the creative process. 

During the first half of class, using symbols and motifs from the European fairytale tradition, Nao will guide us through dance into the animal mother within. We will find out more about her through our bodies, our movements, our imaginations. We will nourish her, and be nourished by her. We will ask questions like- what does the queen wandering the apple orchard in search of her baby have to tell us, to teach us, to point us toward in our own longings and creative potentials? 

In the second half of class, Sylvia will guide us to write our own fairytales about animal mothers and mother animals, based on what we have experienced in our bodies through the dance. She will use poetry, myth and creative writing practices to help us find both rhythm and freshness in our language, so that the stories we most want to tell can come freely through our pens. 


June 23rd, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

Upon purchasing this course, you will receive a pdf with a Zoom link to the live class, and some words to keep you inspired until then! Recordings will be available to participants for one month after the event.

Note that there will be a 15 minute break in the middle of class between dancing and writing, to nourish yourselves with snacks and tea and a moment away from the screen.