Dreaming With Psyche | February 22nd 2025


Psyche is walking up out of darkness and suddenly, she can’t wait any longer. She opens the carved lid of Persephone’s ornate pyxis, and immediately falls down to the earth in the deepest sleep.

Sleeping Beauty, drawn inexorably to the room where the old thirteenth fairy is sat spinning at a radiant wheel, feels the same insatiable call. She reaches to touch the wool, the sharp tip of the distaff, these things she has been forbidden, and immediately falls down in a dead slumber.

Down in the Neolithic hypogeum of Hal Saflieni on the small golden island of Malta, archaeologists found the figurine of a round sleeping goddess. She is one of the great ancient women of Malta, who dreamed and doctored by their dreaming beneath the earth, cheek on stone, in chambers carved with a thousand dots and rings.

What does sleeping feminine dream in the silence of these stories?

What did Psyche dream when she opened that box?

What was the story of her dreaming, and what might that story have to teach each of us, now, as winter unfurls into spring, and the earth’s secrets begin to speak aloud in the faces of the flowers and trees?

In this mythic writing workshop, taught in tandem with Nao Sims’ sacred dance series devoted to the entire myth of Psyche and Eros (which runs from January 13th- February 24th), we will dream into the rich darkness of the season with Psyche, with Sleeping Beauty, with the priestesses of the hypogeums of the ancient Mediterranean…. and see what we find.

*This mythic writing workshop has been created to stand by itself, but will be greatly enhanced by participation in Nao’s online series. *

Please note that if you are already registered for Nao’s Psyche and Eros - Journey To Wholeness” dance series, you can register for Dreaming With Psyche for the discounted price of $35.00 — please simply send the amount to Paypal account at sylvia.linsteadt@gmail.com, with a note about the course.


Psyche is walking up out of darkness and suddenly, she can’t wait any longer. She opens the carved lid of Persephone’s ornate pyxis, and immediately falls down to the earth in the deepest sleep.

Sleeping Beauty, drawn inexorably to the room where the old thirteenth fairy is sat spinning at a radiant wheel, feels the same insatiable call. She reaches to touch the wool, the sharp tip of the distaff, these things she has been forbidden, and immediately falls down in a dead slumber.

Down in the Neolithic hypogeum of Hal Saflieni on the small golden island of Malta, archaeologists found the figurine of a round sleeping goddess. She is one of the great ancient women of Malta, who dreamed and doctored by their dreaming beneath the earth, cheek on stone, in chambers carved with a thousand dots and rings.

What does sleeping feminine dream in the silence of these stories?

What did Psyche dream when she opened that box?

What was the story of her dreaming, and what might that story have to teach each of us, now, as winter unfurls into spring, and the earth’s secrets begin to speak aloud in the faces of the flowers and trees?

In this mythic writing workshop, taught in tandem with Nao Sims’ sacred dance series devoted to the entire myth of Psyche and Eros (which runs from January 13th- February 24th), we will dream into the rich darkness of the season with Psyche, with Sleeping Beauty, with the priestesses of the hypogeums of the ancient Mediterranean…. and see what we find.

*This mythic writing workshop has been created to stand by itself, but will be greatly enhanced by participation in Nao’s online series. *

Please note that if you are already registered for Nao’s Psyche and Eros - Journey To Wholeness” dance series, you can register for Dreaming With Psyche for the discounted price of $35.00 — please simply send the amount to Paypal account at sylvia.linsteadt@gmail.com, with a note about the course.

Psyche is walking up out of darkness and suddenly, she can’t wait any longer. She opens the carved lid of Persephone’s ornate pyxis, and immediately falls down to the earth in the deepest sleep.

Sleeping Beauty, drawn inexorably to the room where the old thirteenth fairy is sat spinning at a radiant wheel, feels the same insatiable call. She reaches to touch the wool, the sharp tip of the distaff, these things she has been forbidden, and immediately falls down in a dead slumber.

Down in the Neolithic hypogeum of Hal Saflieni on the small golden island of Malta, archaeologists found the figurine of a round sleeping goddess. She is one of the great ancient women of Malta, who dreamed and doctored by their dreaming beneath the earth, cheek on stone, in chambers carved with a thousand dots and rings.

What does sleeping feminine dream in the silence of these stories?

What did Psyche dream when she opened that box?

What was the story of her dreaming, and what might that story have to teach each of us, now, as winter unfurls into spring, and the earth’s secrets begin to speak aloud in the faces of the flowers and trees?

In this mythic writing workshop, taught in tandem with Nao Sims’ sacred dance series devoted to the entire myth of Psyche and Eros (which runs from January 13th- February 24th), we will dream into the rich darkness of the season with Psyche, with Sleeping Beauty, with the priestesses of the hypogeums of the ancient Mediterranean…. and see what we find.

*This mythic writing workshop has been created to stand by itself, but will be greatly enhanced by participation in Nao’s online series. *

Please note that if you are already registered for Nao’s Psyche and Eros - Journey To Wholeness” dance series, you can register for Dreaming With Psyche for the discounted price of $35.00 — please simply send the amount to Paypal account at sylvia.linsteadt@gmail.com, with a note about the course.